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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : english news,Community's concerns

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  1. Trump defies Republican critics with Senate 'love fest'
  2. One in five Canadians is immigrant, highest in 95 years
  3. Why opioids are such an American problem
  4. American Airlines accused of racism after 'disturbing incidents'
  5. Harvey Weinstein faces losing CBE amid sexual assault allegations
  6. Universal credit: MPs urge government to cut waiting time
  7. Emails reveal Foreign Office alarm at Trump travel ban
  8. UK population to pass 70m in 2029, ONS projections say
  9. David Davis warned over Brexit vote promise for MPs
  10. New US flight security measures take effect
  11. FBI release sketches of Sherri Papini abduction suspects
  12. Quiz: Can you match the dog to the party?
  13. Tory MP Davies leaves Brexit 'belly-aching' seminar
  14. JFK assassination: Trump declassifies some documents
  15. George Bush Senior's second apology after sex assault claims
  16. Americans break 'unbeatable' El Capitan record
  17. Canadian judge calls sex assault victim 'overweight'
  18. Youth crime disclosure rules wholly inappropriate, say MPs
  19. EU preparing for no deal Brexit, says Michel Barnier's adviser
  20. Legal challenge to DUP-Tory deal fails in High Court
  21. George Bush Snr faces third accusation of groping
  22. US sailors rescued after five months adrift in Pacific
  23. Brexit: EU bank may not fully repay UK until 2054
  24. Abuse allegations deeply concerning, says No 10 after Sun claims
  25. UK 'wants to leave Common Agricultural Policy in March 2019'
  26. 'Neo-Nazi' accused of terror plot to kill MP Rosie Cooper
  27. UK 'won't recognise' Catalan independence
  28. Brexit: Baroness Anelay quits role after helicopter injury
  29. White House distances itself from Whitefish power grid deal
  30. JFK files: The key points about the 1963 assassination
  31. Trump teases Halloween trick-or-treaters
  32. Tiger Woods pleads guilty to reckless driving
  33. Trump-Russia investigation: First charges filed, reports say
  34. 'Zero tolerance' for MPs who abuse women - Jeremy Corbyn
  35. Hurricane Irma: Aid rule change to be considered
  36. Michael Gove apologises for 'clumsy' Weinstein joke on Today
  37. Paul Newman's watch sells for record $18m at auction
  38. US Cuba: Allegations of sonic attacks 'totally false'
  39. Barack Obama called for jury duty in Illinois and plans to serve
  40. Harvey Weinstein claims: Sopranos actress Sciorra alleges rape
  41. Gay men to receive Scottish government apology
  42. Child maintenance bank account loophole to be closed
  43. Mark Garnier investigated by Cabinet Office over sex toy errand
  44. NHS Airbnb-style scheme 'not ruled out' by minister
  45. Bim Afolami: Tory MP claims Labour members trying to harass family
  46. May urges reform of procedures to tackle Commons abuse
  47. Trump rages on Twitter at Clinton and Russia inquiry 'witch hunt'
  48. Puerto Rico: Whitefish energy grid deal to be scrapped
  49. US Navy Seals 'investigated for murder over Mali army death'
  50. Kevin Spacey apologises over Anthony Rapp 'sexual advance' claim
  51. Gordon Brown reveals fight for eyesight in new memoir
  52. Action urged over Westminster harassment claims
  53. Budget: Hammond faces spending dilemma, says IFS
  54. Scrap student loan interest and extend payback time - review
  55. Brexit: Theresa May and Carwyn Jones meet in London
  56. Ex-Trump aide Manafort charged with US tax fraud over Ukraine work
  57. NBC and MSNBC sack Mark Halperin over harassment allegations
  58. Apple engineer 'fired' over early iPhone X leak
  59. Significant gaps in Stormont talks, says Theresa May
  60. Brexit: Nick Clegg, Ken Clarke and Lord Adonis visit Barnier
  61. Progress made in Stormont talks, says James Brokenshire
  62. Seven Great Yarmouth UKIP councillors defect to Tories
  63. Trump adviser George Papadopoulos lied about Russian links
  64. Russia-linked posts 'reached' 126m Facebook users in US
  65. Anger as Spacey comes out amid sex claims
  66. Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban
  67. Michael Fallon 'apologised for touching journalist's knee'
  68. Gordon Brown: Rogue bankers should be jailed
  69. Fixed-odds maximum bet 'could drop to £2'
  70. Harvey Weinstein kicked out of Producers Guild of America
  71. House of Lords: Report to recommend ways of reducing peers
  72. Labour activist 'warned' about pursuing rape claim
  73. New York 'attack': Suspect held by police in Lower Manhattan
  74. Kevin Spacey: Netflix halts House of Cards production
  75. George Papadopoulos: Trump trashes 'low level' indicted aide
  76. US sailors' rescue: Doubts emerge over survival story
  77. Labour demands Brexit studies release
  78. UK territories eligible for development aid
  79. New York terror attack: How the events unfolded
  80. Footage shows New York suspect tackled by police
  81. Utah nurse gets $500,000 in blood arrest row
  82. PM's deputy Damian Green investigated over 'suggestive' text
  83. Brokenshire to introduce Northern Ireland budget bill
  84. Arron Banks faces EU referendum finance investigation
  85. Liam Fox wants EU deal but 'not afraid' of not getting one
  86. New York truck attack: Five Argentine friends killed
  87. Social-media images shown as evidence of 'Russian trolls'
  88. Kevin Spacey: More allegations of sexual harassment surface
  89. New York truck attack: Trump calls for end of green card lottery
  90. Theresa May: Take sex abuse claims to police
  91. PMQs: Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn clash on tax avoidance
  92. Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct 'fell short'
  93. Former MP assaulted me in 2012 says ex-Commons intern
  94. New York truck attack: Trump backs Guantanamo for 'animal'
  95. New York truck attack suspect charged with terrorism
  96. Student charged after smearing bodily fluids on roommate's bag
  97. Balfour Declaration: May hosts Israeli PM for centenary
  98. Diversity green card lottery: Golden ticket for huddled masses
  99. World Series 2017: Houston Astros beat Los Angeles Dodgers for 4-3 series win
  100. The Lion King: Beyonce confirms role in remake
  101. Sir Michael Fallon resignation: PM considers replacement
  102. Stormont deadlock: 'Narrow gap' between parties, say PMs
  103. UK interest rate decision looms
  104. Gavin Williamson replaces Michael Fallon as defence secretary
  105. Trump aide Sam Clovis pulls out of consideration for job
  106. Republican tax plan to target mortgage deduction
  107. Shalom Ouanounou: Canada judge keeps patient on life support
  108. New York truck attack: Trump urges death penalty for Sayfullo Saipov
  109. UK interest rates rise for first time in 10 years
  110. Brexit studies details 'will be published'
  111. The time when America stopped being great
  112. Former Democratic chief: Clinton 'took control' of party
  113. Twitter employee 'deactivated' Trump account on last day
  114. Priti Patel held undisclosed meetings in Israel
  115. Sir Michael Fallon denies 'lewd remarks' allegation
  116. Labour suspends Luton North MP Kelvin Hopkins
  117. Northampton Town loan: David Mackintosh's election fund took secret payments
  118. Carwyn Jones begins Welsh Government cabinet reshuffle
  119. Elizabeth Warren agrees Democratic race 'rigged' for Clinton
  120. US energy chief: Fossil fuels may prevent sexual assault
  121. Labour activist 'felt isolated' over complaint made against MP
  122. Conservatives publish new code of conduct for MPs
  123. Harriet Harman urged to apologise for 'staggering judgement error' over joke
  124. Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins denies sexual harassment claim
  125. Bowe Bergdahl spared prison time for US Army desertion
  126. Canada judge tosses injunction of documentary about cult film The Room
  127. US mum pens letter before dying of cancer
  128. Tory MP Charlie Elphicke suspended after 'serious allegations'
  129. Labour MP Clive Lewis denies groping claim
  130. Climate change: US report at odds with some in Trump team
  131. Donald Trump embarks on marathon tour of Asia
  132. Texas releases disabled migrant girl Rosa Maria Hernandez
  133. Sexual harassment claims are 'no witch hunt', says Harman
  134. Explosive Martin Luther King document amid JFK files
  135. Price soars after filmmaker's spoof used car ad goes viral
  136. SNP minister Mark McDonald quits over 'previous actions'
  137. George Bush Sr calls Trump a 'blowhard' and voted for Clinton
  138. US senator Rand Paul assaulted at home in Kentucky
  139. Social media giants have 'moral duty' to tackle child abuse
  140. Iraq War: Gordon Brown says UK 'misled' over WMDs
  141. Damian Green says computer porn allegations are 'political smears'
  142. Brexit 'threat to UK broadcasting jobs', trade body warns
  143. Corbyn defends promoting MP Kelvin Hopkins despite reprimand
  144. Paradise Papers: Lord Ashcroft 'ignored rules' on offshore trust
  145. Growing number of MPs under scrutiny over conduct claims
  146. Sutherland Springs: Texas church shooting leaves many dead
  147. Paradise Papers: Commerce chief Wilbur Ross's links with sanctioned Russians
  148. Joint Chiefs say invasion 'only way' to totally disarm N Korea
  149. Paradise Papers: Tax revelations hit Canada PM Justin Trudeau's fundraiser
  150. Westminster sex scandal: Theresa May to call for 'culture of respect'
  151. Tory rape claims 'ignored by Commons'
  152. May: We won't shield UK economy from market forces
  153. Trump voters speak out a year after the US election
  154. Trump lashes out at 'unfair' Japan trade ties
  155. 'Action needed' to curb tax havens
  156. Priti Patel apologises over undisclosed Israeli meetings
  157. Jeremy Corbyn backs CBI demand for Brexit transition deal
  158. Texas shooting: Gunman Devin Kelley 'had row with mother-in-law'
  159. US missions in Turkey partially resume visa issuing
  160. Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia links
  161. Party leaders agree new complaints procedure, says Theresa May
  162. Lib Dem member 'referred to police over rape allegation'
  163. Blair agreed 'second term' exit before Granita dinner says Brown
  164. Texas shooting: US Air Force 'failed' to flag gunman's criminal history
  165. Donald Trump arrives in South Korea for talks with Moon
  166. Woman fired for showing Trump motorcade the middle finger
  167. US Senator Rand Paul's ribs broken in assault at home
  168. Brexit: Ministers to publish post-EU trade legislation
  169. Drop the puerile slogans, Sir John Major tells party leaders
  170. Johnson to speak to Iran over jailed Zaghari-Ratcliffe
  171. PM plans new ministerial code after Priti Patel apology
  172. RHI scandal: Public inquiry to begin at Stormont
  173. Weinstein accuser says spy allegations are 'terrifying'
  174. Paris climate accord: Syria 'to sign up', isolating US
  175. Sacked Labour minister Carl Sargeant found dead
  176. Boris Johnson says Iran comments 'could have been clearer'
  177. Brexit minister Steve Baker attacked over Brexit impact study 'delay'
  178. Texas shooting: Gunman 'escaped mental hospital in 2012'
  179. Disney backs down after US media boycott
  180. Virginia governor's race goes to wire
  181. Roy Halladay: Former Toronto Blue Jays and Philadelphia Phillies pitcher dies in plane crash
  182. Priti Patel's cabinet future in doubt over Israel trip row
  183. We want our Brexit cash boost - NHS boss
  184. Democrats score key poll victories in Virginia and New Jersey
  185. Donald Trump warns North Korea: 'Do not try us'
  186. Remembering the night that changed America
  187. UCLA basketball players 'arrested in China for shoplifting'
  188. Carl Sargeant death: Criticism over sacking process
  189. General Ben Hodges warns Britain over armed forces cuts
  190. US asks for CNN sale amid review of AT&T-Time Warner deal
  191. Ex-news anchor says Spacey groped her son
  192. Skateboarder wins hearts with apology note
  193. Danica Roem: Transgender lawmaker a first for Virginia
  194. Priti Patel quits cabinet over Israel meetings row
  195. Kevin Spacey: Completed film to be reshot without sex claim actor
  196. Obama reports for jury duty in Chicago and is dismissed
  197. Corey Feldman reports child abuse claims to police
  198. Theresa May faces fresh reshuffle after Priti Patel resignation
  199. Penny Mordaunt replaces Priti Patel in cabinet reshuffle
  200. Who is Penny Mordaunt?
  201. Brexit: Michel Barnier says 'time pressing' as talks resume
  202. First minister knew of Carl Sargeant bullying, Andrews claims
  203. Trump China visit: US leader strikes warmer tone with Xi Jinping
  204. Texas execution of Ruben Cardenas Ramirez sparks row with Mexico
  205. Gordon Brown predicts Brexit 'crisis point'
  206. MP Charlie Elphicke 'does not know what he is accused of'
  207. Louis CK: Five women accuse US comic of sexual misconduct
  208. Roy Moore: Alabama Senate candidate denies child sex abuse
  209. 'Embarrassing' car insurance photo gaffe shared online
  210. Trump at Apec summit: US will no longer tolerate trade abuses
  211. Theresa May warns rebels as Brexit talks set to resume
  212. MPs' sex harassment scandal 'not as big as expenses' - Bercow
  213. Sturgeon 'substantially in dark' over Brexit talks
  214. House of Commons staff credit card purchases revealed
  215. Brexit talks: Some progress on citizens' rights - Barnier
  216. Davis stands firm on Irish border issue
  217. Carl Sargeant was 'facing months of hell' over claims
  218. Louis CK's film release scrapped amid sex allegations
  219. Breakfast at Tiffany's: New York jewellery store opens cafe
  220. US drill sergeant guilty of abuse after Muslim's suicide
  221. Nicola Sturgeon questions Alex Salmond's choice of Russian TV channel
  222. Ex-Trump aide Mike Flynn 'offered $15m by Turkey for Gulen'
  223. Louis CK admits sexual misconduct allegations are true
  224. US Marine who lost both legs running 31 marathons in a month
  225. Roy Moore: Conservatives back firebrand after abuse report
  226. MP to submit 'unwanted attention' letters
  227. Trump says Putin insulted by US election meddling claim
  228. Ex-Trump aide Mike Flynn says Gulen kidnap allegations 'false'
  229. Wife of Texas gunman Kelley describes abuse and death threats
  230. Priti Patel 'overwhelmed' by support after quitting cabinet
  231. Tony Blair: 'Labour should be 20 points ahead in polls'
  232. EU citizens 'worth £4.42bn to Scotland'
  233. US rocket launch aborted after small plane enters airspace
  234. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Jailed woman's husband 'to speak to Boris Johnson'
  235. Scottish Lib Dems back gender-neutral school uniforms
  236. Trump trades 'short and fat' barb with N Korea's Kim
  237. Michael Gove plans new environment watchdog after Brexit
  238. Police chief 'was told of Damian Green pornography claims'
  239. Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe: Gove under fire for comments
  240. Labour investigation into Carl Sargeant allegations 'can't continue'
  241. Trump backs US spy agencies after Putin meddling remark
  242. EU preparing for possible collapse of Brexit talks - Barnier
  243. Brexit: Gove 'wouldn't block' PM over EU divorce bill
  244. 'Bullying and toxicity' in Welsh Government, says ex-aide
  245. Theresa May to meet EU business leaders
  246. NI Budget Bill to be passed into law at Westminster
  247. Brexit: Labour says 'very many' Tories share EU bill concerns
  248. Trump-Duterte: US president hails 'great relationship'
  249. Texas mass shooting church transformed into haunting memorial
  250. YouTube removes dead extremist's videos