On Friday evening, the 15th day of protests in Bulgaria, some 4500 people are chanting "Resign!" in front of the Council of Ministers building in downtown Sofia.
According to reports of the Interior Ministry, no groups of provocateurs have been spotted among the protesters.
The route of Friday's rally will be: Parliament – Eagle's Bridge (Orlov Most) – the National Palace of Culture (NDK) – 20 Positano Str, HQ of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) – HQ of the ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) party – Council of Ministers building – Parliament – Orlov Most, Sega daily informs.
Meanwhile, a counter-protest is taking place in front of NDK, with some 100 people asking that the government of Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski be given some 100 days in office to change the Election Code and implement the measures it had drafted.
The series of anti-government protests in Bulgaria was triggered by the scandalous appointment of media mogul Delyan Peevski as Chair of the State Agency for National Security (DANS).
Although the appointment was revoked, the people went on to demand that the cabinet resign collectively over ties with oligarchs.
Protesters are also calling for Election Code amendments which will guarantee greater representation of the people in Parliament.